The Parami of Generosity:
Each student who attends a Vipassana course is given this gift by a previous student. There is no charge for either the teaching, or for room and board. All Vipassana courses worldwide are run on a strictly voluntary donation basis. There is no wealthy foundation or individual sponsoring them. Neither the teachers nor the organizers receive any kind of payment for their service. At the end of your course, if you have benefited from the experience, you are welcome to donate for the coming course, according to your volition and your means.
How Dāna is Used:
Donations given at the end of a course and other general dana are used to finance future courses and center operations. This includes Construction Activities, food, utilities, supplies, and maintenance. All donations are tax deductible.
For more details, please visit Old Students’ Website. You will have to use the Userid & Password you received after doing the 10 days course.
Specific Items Needed by the Centre